Paretnhood, Business Ownership and the Spaces In Between.
For most people, small business ownership will likely never cross their minds as something that they desire to do one day. For me, it began as a means of survival after my life changed forever.
For those unaware, I lost my last full time job days after giving birth to my child. While in the hospital recovering from major surgery, my employer at the time figured that me becoming a parent would render me essentially useless to them as an employee. They didn't even have the decency to tell me directly!
Little did I or anyone else know that their decision would propel me into the unique position that I currently occupy. Being a full time mother/parent, home maker and small business owner is a largely unseen combination. Not many have blazed this trail before me, but I know that I am aligned to show others that this life is possible and achievable.
Through this journey, I've been awarded the privilege to see my child grown up and hit massive milestones, while also creating a stream of income for myself to support my family! My husband has even begun his own small business, and we're actively finding more ways to keep thriving and growing. Working together now for years has made us closer and better people to each other and those around us, especially our child.
I have always wanted to be the example to my child and/or children that there's more than one way to attain success, and that success can exist outside of the common societal image and structure of success! So, how do I do this?
I take it one step at a time. In those in between moments of quiet, I sit with my feelings, my inner child, my inner teenager, and all the many healings I've worked through up until this point. I rest in knowing that I am ever evolving and growing. I know that growth is not linear, and there is no singular stopping mark to success!
You couldn't have told me at 7 or 17 that I'd be entering nearly 25 with a loving family, successful micro-business and an online community of supporters that care about what I have to offer. I am eternally thankful that I've been tapping in and seeing that my path is great, and the journey is even greater.